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Website Improvements

To my Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ,

Over the past week, I made several updates to this website.  I wanted to add a few topics including a complete section on Holy Orders since this often draws people to the Independent Sacramental Movement.  My own thoughts may seem harsh, but I have high expectations for what the Independent Sacramental Movement represents.  Students of church history know the church continually sought to reform the clergy.  Clergy who do not know what they are doing certainly cause harm and scandal.  Jesus has a few things to say about the blind shepherds who lead others astray.  A bishop, priest, deacon, apostle, metropolitan, or pope must first be a disciple. 

When I was in active ministry in the Roman Catholic Church I truly did not like something about being a parish priest.  Each day I was celebrating the Eucharist with a community of people, but I also longed to attend a Eucharist where I could be spiritually fed by the homilies of someone else.  I had my own liturgies to attend but I could not attend the liturgy of a brother priest.  In recent times, technology has made this possible especially after COVID where parishes livestream liturgies.  A member of the clergy must continually draw from the spring of salvation, drink and be refreshed in order to be rejuvenated and share this with others.  I now attend liturgies and listen to different interpretations; I find myself wishing I said certain things differently.  We have much to learn from each other if we are humble enough to realize my own version of the gospel is imperfect and incomplete.  I am reminded of the story of Saint Thomas Aquinas who celebrated his own liturgy each day but who also attended the liturgy someone else celebrated.

This week, I started reading a book, “Tradition and Adaptation Interjurisdictional Perspectives on Inclusive Catholicism in 2022” edited by Rev. Dr. Jayme Mathias.  I was pleasantly surprised to hear many views similar to my own.  I was not familiar with Extraordinary Catholics and the wide variety of resources available.  I added many of the books they publish under the ISM resources of this website.  Moreover, I was surprised to see a few names of people associated with the movement that I have met and known.  I feel like a great secret was being kept from me right under my nose. 

Please know that you are in my prayers.  Whoever you are and wherever you are, God is closer to you than you are to yourself.  God loves you more than you could ever love yourself.  May we truly know and be transformed by this love so that we can share it with others.



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